Friday, October 3, 2008

Tagged by Anus.

Answer:Randy Swee.



4)Shoe size?
Answer:Maybe 9 or 10 or maybe 8 not sure.

Answer:Not sure too. Around 177?

6)Where do you live?

7)Favorite drink?
Answer:Taste sweet. Taste good. Then its all good.

8)Have you been on a plane?
Answer:When I was young with my Mom. Now no.

9)Swam in the ocean?
Answer:Maybe. Maybe not. Forgot already. Been so long.

10)Fall asleep in school?

11)Broken someone's heart?
Answer:Everybody do.

12)Fell off a chair?

13)Sat by the phone waiting for someone to call?
Answer:Pretty Often. Just waiting to talk like usual.

14)Saved e-mails?
Answer:One or two because I dont check mails.

15)What does your room look like?
Answer:Plain and simple white walls. And nothing special.

16)What is the last thing you ate?
Answer:Hot sausage. I mean spicy.

17)Ever had chicken pox?
Answer:Everybody does.

18)Sore throat?
Answer:Yeap ? The one I hate the most.

Answer:Cant remember.

20)What is right next to you?
Answer:Wall and a table.

21)Do you believe in love at 1st sight?
Answer:Anything can happen. We dunno whats next.

22)Like picnics?
Answer:Not here but somewhere else colder and nicer sun.

23)Who was the last person you danced with?
Answer:Tan Tee Liang.

24)Last to make you smile?
Answer:Everybody that was around me.

25)Today did you talked to someone you like?
Answer:Nope? I never been talking to her for a long long time already.

26)Do you eat healthy?
Answer:I am fat means I'm healthy.

27)Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
Answer:Of course. Those people who are really special to me that meant something in my life. Of course they can hurt me because they are my treasures.

28)Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
Answer:I am very quiet most of the time.

29)Are you confident?
Answer:If I put my mind straight and not think about the negative things I am so so the confident.

30)Tag 4 people.
1.Elaine Lee.
2.Tommy Seow.
3.Penny Ng? But she wont do it.

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