Monday, October 20, 2008

Finals Day 1.

My PMR holidays just ended and my finals exam for form 4 just started today. Today we had Bahasa Melayu 2 and Chemistry 2. Bahasa Melayu was quite simple. It was 2hours and 15mins long. I thought we had novel but actually novel was in paper 1. Today was paper 2. So first question was. Write a karangan based on the pictures they gave. About kesan-kesan pembangunan di negara kita. It was quite simple so I wrote about pencermaran, then the suhu in our bumi increase and pendatang asing came over to work then our people here dont have jobs. And crime in our country increases which makes other people scared to come to visit our country. It was about 400 words long? And then the second question was pick 1 karangan between the 5 questions. I pick the fourth one. About a misi bantuan to somewhere that just had bencana alam. So I wrote about Japan having earth quake. But I was out of points so I think I wrote about 300 only while they wanted 350 words. I wished the first karangan was the second one which needed 350. The first karangan just needed 200-250 words only. So short. But I wrote so long. I hope thats the best I did for my paper 2. Hope hope to get an A2 at least. But never a C. Then after recess had Chemistry paper 2. Really no time to eat and go toilet. Chemistry paper had so many those molecules and what atom atom what equation. I dont get it at all. So guess what? I turned around and throw papers and get them back and wrote them down. You got what I meant right? Hehe. So I did more than half of the paper I guess. So its alright already. Now it depends on my paper 1 now. Lets hope hope I pass. I just wanna pass. I dont wanna fail any of my subjects. Hope hope hope. Tomorrow I am having English paper 2 and Biology paper 2. I am worried about biology but not english. But I am scared of the novel part or the poem part of the English paper. I hope I do well tomorrow. Till then.

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