Thursday, September 25, 2008

Things that I didnt not know and found out.

Recently I found out some stuffs that happened. At first I didnt expect it to be that way until that day i heard about it. I didnt know that it can be like that. I thought those kind of things wont happen but now I know that it really does happens. Those things that were talked to me made me a little heated up but I put my mind together and thought to myself properly. Why should i be bothered? It is just them not me. My part was not out and thiers are. If they wanna think it that way what can I do? They wanna change minds towards me what can I do right? Its just that way. I mean I dont do anything. I tried to do but somethings you just cant do it right? I just learned that somethings are just not meant to be done. Sometimes I should just let it go but I still dont give up easily on going for it. I kept my mouth shut all the time like how we made the promise that time. But guess what? The other side did not keep the promise and now I know why those eyes are on me. Now I know what exactly happened. I wanna thank you the person who told me. You know who you are. And I wont mention a single name out here so dont worry. Its okay. No one will know because after what I heard I still keep my mouth shut. I was furious at first but then later on I got a call and those words really made me chilled down I guess? What is said is what is said. Let them judge. But all the people I know, knows exactly what is it. So I dont need to worry about them. Those others are just small flyes around so why do I wanna be bothered? Let them be. Let them do what they want. Let them think what they want. Let them say what they want. All I care is what I have to take care and what do I have in my possesion now. Its mine and Im happy with what I have. I treasure what I really have now. I dont want anything more or complain about anything because this is all I have. I dont need to be greedy to want more from what Im having. Its okay already. I will let it rest in peace. It doesnt really bother me now because I can finally look overall. 1 more year left and everything goes to a rest.

A friend spoke to me the other day. And I can say his words were right.
I have shelter,
I have food,
I have drink,
what do I want more?
I can be happy with what I have,
without expecting anything more,
Im okay with what I have.

Do not think about the past.
Do not think whats gonna happen next week.
Do not think whats gonna happen next month.
Do not think whats gonna happen next year.
Just think that how much enjoyment and fun are you going through the next day of your life.

I can say that what he says is true and kept me focusing now more. I can say that Im not fully healed but so what? I have my Daddy around. I have my close friends around. Let them say what they want. Let them judge what they want. I have my own family now and nobody is gonna stop me from doing anything. I treasure them because I dont wanna lose another family again. Its my family now and they love and take care of me. They accepted for who am I and accepted me for what am I and willing to love me with a open heart. What more do I want from that? I know that I dont understand the meaning of love from the beginning of my life. But Im trying my best to learn and understand what is love all about. Im inmature and raw now. Im just taking small steps understanding everything about family slowly without rushing but a slow and steady pace. Im happy with what I have now. And I just be myself and be the best of me all the time. And that should do the work and Im gonna start working hard from now onwards because soon everything is gonna be putted on me. Just everything so I must be ready by that time. I got the time. I got the stuffs. I can do it. Im not giving up now. I cant turn back now. So Im heading forward and forward towards my goal.

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