Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sunway Pyramid. Nat's sweet 16teen !(Wednesday)

Well.. woke up around 11.45am i think around there as we were going to Pyramid with Nat, Jerry, Brian, Nicholas, Pravind, Choi may, Shaqira and lastly Yash.. Nat planed this thingy for a quite a long time and it was not on because Jerry and me was in camp soo.. she delayed to Wednesday sooo.. i got up and bathed and washed up and ate my breakfast then Jerry reached my house then we went to the train station.. firstly i wore a T-shirt and surf pants.. so we sat at the train station.. waitting for Nat and the train.. not long after we saw Brian and Nicholas reached and buying thier tickets.. without delay i saw all of them wearing jeans so i ran back home.. as my house was just across i changed my pants into jeans and wore my shoes.. since my shoes were in wash so i wore different shoes and also my jeans were in wash.. so i walked back to the train station and then Jerry waved at me asking me to hurry up because the train was coming.. so i ran and ran and ran faster and faster and faster.. luckily i didnt miss it.. if not i will wait alone for another 20 mins and delay everyone.. so we reached Subang Jaya train station about 12.30pm i think around there.. then we took a bus there so i sat beside a lady and suresh sat on top of me and Nat on top of suresh then jerry at the back with brian on his legs.. this suresh cant sit still so he almost elbowed the lady's thing.. luckily the lady covered it up.. if not i think kena already one.. so after we reached we got in.. and its been long since i been there since its only studying and studying and studying.. so we walked around and decided to have pizza hut for lunch.. well Jerry and Pravind went to mcd and bought thier drinks and pie as they were saving cost.. and then I didnt eat as well as Nicholas.. so only Nat, Suresh and Brian were eating.. so they ordered and thier food came so i curi a little of thier food and guess what i was full.. i had a full cup of mushroom soup and then had a piece of pizza.. not bad la.. can enjoy also.. so after that Yash and her friend dunno what name came.. then a while later Choi may and Shaqira came too.. then they paid up and then went off to shop for other things.. so we walked around and walk walk walk.. as Nat said he wanna shop for his clothes and all.. so we went to Topman and saw this Skinny jeans and the other shirt.. so Jerry plan to buy it this week.. when he get his allowance.. and then after that we walked around and then we went to the cinema to get tickets.. guess what show we watched? What happen in Vegas.. im so luckyy that i get to watch that show.. so after that we walked around and shop again.. then one point Suresh and me went to the toilet to pee pee.. then suddenlly we came out of the toilet and they were gone.. out of sight.. not spotted.. so we walked to bowling there thought they might have been there for pool.. but they are not there yet.. so Suresh called and they were in Superhero stall.. then we went there they not there.. call again they said they were in Maybank.. then we dunno where is that so they asked us to wait at pool.. so we walked around and went to Adidas and Nike shop as i wanted to look at thier shoes for a while.. after that we decided to walk to pool and started to play first before they come.. we played and played then quite a long time later only they came.. then after that we played some pool then went off to watch the movie.. the movie was great.. very funny as well as very nice la.. i dunno how to say but its nice.. very nicee for me.. hehehehe.. quite happy get to see that show.. so Nat bought a hoodie and then bought his sister a Mango shirt as the sister's birthday was the next day which is 28th of may if im not mistaken? if im mistaken sorry man.. so after that we went for sisha and then we smoked and smoked and smoked till we had enough then we paid it up and then we were thinking to go eat or go back home at last we decided to go back home because Yash was rushing time.. her mom wanted her to go back home before 8pm.. so we took the bus to the train station and then they bought some food to eat while waitting for the train and did some crazy stuffs then the train came and then we went back to each's station to get down and in the train we talked and did crazy stuffs too.. Suresh was fun that day.. hehehehe.. so after that Jerry, Shaqira, Brian, Choi may and me went to esso mamak for dinner as we all dont have anything for dinner at home.. so after that we went home.. saw win sun, gun, yong sheng and one more guy forgot there and tengku was also there.. so after that went back home and Shaqira forgot her Mango bag.. luckily Tengku gave me because i didnt see it either.. so after that went back home.. took a bathe and then online chat chat a while then went to bed. Today was a fun day i can say.. but at first i was not that happy.. oh ya i met chia chern in pyramid.. i was not that happy at first but at the end i also enjoyed it. Thanks Nat.

Let the pictures do the rest.

The Putra car that i saw outside of Pyramid.. had 4 meters in it.. and it was upgraded like crazy..

A group picture that was taken in the train station in Subang Jaya.. but Nicholas was missing? I think he was buying food.

Nat, Choi may, me and Yash just after sisha sitting waitting for the whole crew.

Choi may looking other place, Me, Nicholas and Brian.

Some of us.

Brian Daniel and Shaqira !

Brian Daniel, Shaqira and Pravind.

During sisha.. see Nicholas's face? har har.

We were happy that time i can say.

Yash. The new friend i met.

Me with the straw !

Shaqira and Choi may.

Yash and Shaqira.

Yash and Pravind. Jerry trying to fit in.

Yash and Nat. Suitable anot ?

Brian wanna suck suck pulling from me. Jerry just har har and me suck suck suck.

Yeah baby~

Me again.

Me too.

Same here.

Yash and Me. I wanted to take the picture with my new friend. hehehe.


Brian with the pipe.


The sisha.

Suck and blow.

Brian Daniel.




Nat, Panda and me.

Hema could not resist..

Us again but this time brighter.

Hope you people enjoyed the pictures or we can call it photos. Thanks for viewing. See you then.

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